You need to realize you are not the only man in the country with this condition. At some point in every man's life they will wonder if it will happen to them. Any many who claims he doesn't worry about it is probably behind the scenes checking out his hairline in the mirror when noone's looking. The reason they worry is because it is so widespread. You can't usually get hair loss from your guy friends (except in rare cases of fungal type scalp infection). You do also need to be schooled in the causes and treatments of hair loss. This article will talk about both of those things. Some studies will show you that using Fenugreek would be a tremendous help. When the initial discovery is made many men jump right into surgical transplant replacement thoughts. Doing this means surgically planting new follicles into the scalp much the same way you would plant a garden. It has been compared with growing a garden or grafting skin. This invasive procedure does not always have the desired effect. Some have reported poor to no success with this procedure causing them to actually look worse than prior to surgery. Sometimes men do get the desired result and end up with great hair. Others have very obvious problems. Definately discuss this option with a medical professional before signing on the dotted line.Another type of herb you should look into are Bitter Melon as these are really wonderful for you.
As everyone knows, in order to accept your hair loss, you first need to understand why it is being lost at all. Your hair might be thinning because of something called Telogen Defluvium. That sounds like some sort of weird third world disease. What it actually is, however, is a condition in which your hair has simply gone into the "resting" part of its growth cycle. Emotional stress plays a large part in this.
If your hair loss has become sudden and severe this could be the culpret. Consulting a physcian regarding possible solutions is your best bet. You may be able to reverse the effects by simply reducing your emotional stress levels!
You've probably heard of infant cradle cap-a condition that afflicts babies and makes it hard for them to grow hair. Were you aware it can also happen to adults? Adult symptoms of cradle cap include hair loss. Cradle cap is a crusty sort of rash that prevents hair from growing freely. This particular condition has a number of causes. Your doctor or dermatologist will be able to help you figure out how best to clear it up. The effects of this position are most definately reversible You just need to be patient and do what your doctor tells you to do!
Men's hair loss can happen for a number of reasons. You must figure out the underlying cause before you go spending money on useless treatments. Talk to your physicians to get information on medical causes and treatments. If you cannot find one, perhaps a dermatologist can help you.
You may have to dig to find them but you will find the answers you seek.